If you work in the online world or if you are addicted to the Internet —  like me — you probably know the term SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

SEO describes how certain texts make content more visible or ‘searchable’ online, ultimately increasing the amount of people who see the content. 

While it works gangbusters for websites and blogs, not a lot of people know that it also works for social media

Get ready to post like crazy because media update's Alrika Möller explains the benefits of social media SEO. 


Increased Searchability

Social media platforms don't know who to show your content to without you letting them know. That is where SEO comes in

SEO refers to literally any text from your captions and hashtags to the texts that pop up on the screen during a video. Sometimes even the words you say count. The algorithms use them to decide where to distribute the posts

So, when you post a video about the best cup of coffee in your city, and someone travelling there searches for a coffee shop, your video will show up. 

Be mindful of the words and phrases you use. If you make the purpose of the post clear through your caption and the words in the post, you might not even need to add a million hashtags


Better Discoverability

Yes, your followers will probably see your posts, but you also want people who are not following you to see them. How else is your page going to grow? 

Trending keywords and phrases in your content will give your post a bit of a leg up when the algorithm decides what to put on people's fyps

There are many ways to find these keywords, such as looking at viral topics and posts or using one of the many, many keyword-finding websites out there. 

Just remember to incorporate these keywords organically. Find keywords that work for your content instead of building your content around the keywords

Social media is built to be fun and expressive and SEO might sound like the exact opposite of that. But if you do it right, you will definitely have fun watching your page grow, one keyword at a time


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